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Verses For Life is the media ministry of Calvary Chapel Riverside located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Thank you for downloading or streaming media available through this site. We would like to hear how the verse-by-verse teaching of God’s word has impacted your life, or been a useful tool for you to minister to others. Contact us.

Our latest Wednesday night survey is in the Book of Ezekiel. Sunday mornings, Pastor Tom is teaching a Special Survey Study in the Book of Mark .

Bible Teaching Audio Library

Old Testament

New Testament

Verses for Life on the Radio

Listen to Verses for Life each Saturday at 11am on Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes radio station: WZXV.

Listen to Verses for Life each Saturday at 3:00pm on Calvary Chapel Miami radio station: WAYG.

Listen to Verses for Life each Saturday at 5:30am on Calvary Chapel Cumberland radio station: WLIC.