In addition to the PDF resources below we welcome you to visit our online audio teaching archive at Verses For Life as well as our YouTube video teachings.
Pamphlets in PDF format for download
Books in PDF format for download
Answers For Today - Chuck Smith
Calvary Chapel Distinctives - Chuck Smith
The Calvary Road - Roy Hession
Calvinism, Arminianism And The Word of God - Chuck Smith
Charisma vs. Charismania - Chuck Smith
Christian Family Relationships - Chuck Smith
The Claims of Christ - Chuck Smith
Comfort for Those Who Mourn - Chuck Smith
Day of God's Wrath & Rapture of the Church - Bil Gallatin
Effective Prayer Life - Chuck Smith
The Five Points of Calvinism Weighed and Found Wanting - George Bryson
Foxes Book of Martyrs - John Foxe
The Gospel According to Grace - Chuck Smith
Harvest - Chuck Smith and Tal Brooke
Holiness - J.C. Ryle
The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer
Living Water - Chuck Smith
The Ministry of An Assisting Pastor - Larry Taylor
On Being a Servant of God - Warren Wiersbe
The Philosophy of Ministry of Calvary Chapel - Chuck Smith
The Resurrection Factor - Bil Gallatin
Things I Learned From My Pastor - Larry Taylor
The Tribulation And The Church - Chuck Smith
The Trinity - Bil Gallatin
Types of the Rapture - Bil Gallatin
What the World is Coming To - Chuck Smith
Why Grace Changes Everything - Chuck Smith